CVMA requires a total of 10 hours of acceptable continuing education (CE) for the CVMA CVA upon renewal of your certificate (every two years).
Required CE can be obtained by attending conferences, seminars or courses offered by the following:
Organize your CE documentation and plan ahead. The CVMA will verify your CE documentation at the time of your renewal. For online CE you will want to print and save a confirmation page as proof of successful completion. Other CE providers should provide a Certificate of Attendance or Completion. Please keep copies of your CE certificates. The CVMA may require proof of attendance for certification renewal.
Once you join as a CVMA member, if you wish, you can enter your CE attendance history in your personal record on the CVMA website. Log on with your member login on the CVMA website and then click on “Learning” and select “Personal CE Record”. Or record your CE history on the “Summary of CE Completed” page and keep in folder with Certificates of Attendance.